Solution: ISO 14046 Water Footprint and Sustainability

Solution: ISO 14046 Water Footprint and Sustainability

TÜV AUSTRIA INDIA PVT. LTD. – Nagpur/Maharashtra (Corporate Office)

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ISO 14046 Water Footprint and Sustainability

"In the field of sustainability, TÜV AUSTRIA offers Green Action Services, ISO 14046 Water Footprint and Sustainability. Water footprinting helps individuals and organizations raise awareness about water use. Water footprint calculation and analysis provides information on how water resources are used and managed. This information is important for the conservation and sustainable management of water resources."

Water footprint is an important metric for sustainability. Sustainability means ensuring the conservation of natural resources and future resource use, while using existing resources to meet the needs of future generations. Water resources are extremely important for sustainability. Water resources are finite and if they are not managed properly, there may not be enough water resources for future generations. Water footprint calculation and analysis is important for managing water resources sustainably.

There are three types of water footprint: blue,
green and gray water footprint.

  • Blue Water Footprint – The blue water footprint refers to the amount of
    water consumed from freshwater sources. These freshwater sources include natural water sources such as lakes, rivers and groundwater sources. The blue water footprint takes into account both the amount of water used directly and the amount of water used in production processes.
    A person’s blue water footprint can be found with a calculation as simple as the water they use at home. However, calculating an organization’s blue water footprint can be more complex. Because in this calculation, the amount of water used during the production of the products produced by an organization must also be taken into account.
  • Green Water Footprint – The green water footprint refers to the amount of water consumed through rainfall-based irrigation. This irrigation method is mainly used for agricultural activities. The green water footprint takes into account both the amount of water used directly and the amount
    of water used in production processes. A person’s green water footprint is linked to the agricultural products they consume. For example, a person who consumes meat should also take into account the green water footprint of crops such as corn or soybeans used as animal feed.
  • Gray Water Footprint – The gray water footprint is determined by the level of pollution in the wastewater. This level of pollution determines whether the water can be reused and how much treatment it requires. The gray water footprint occurs especially during industrial activities and the
    treatment of household waste. Therefore, the gray water footprint is more difficult to calculate than the blue and green water footprints.

Why is the Water Footprint Important?

  • Water resources are vital for our lives. However, due to the rapid growth of the world population and the increase in industry, agriculture and other activities, the pressures on water resources are also increasing. Therefore,
    protecting and sustainably managing water resources is extremely important.
  • Water foot printing helps individuals and organizations raise awareness about water use. Water footprint calculation and analysis provides information on how water resources are used and managed. This information is important for the conservation and sustainable management of water resources.

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