100% Quality Training in Italy: TÜV AUSTRIA acquires CFF


TÜV AUSTRIA expands its training solutions portfolio and recently acquired 100% of Consulenza e Formazione Finanziaria SRL (CFF) with the aim to make CFF, its team of teachers and as well its innovative classroom techniques a notable reference for the business world. The acquisition strengthens the role of CFF, as a part of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, as a market leader in the banking sector. The entire teaching team will continue to work under the leadership of Antonio Musella and further initiatives are planned to extend training activities for business clients – already successfully carried out in the financial field.

Active in the training sector

TÜV AUSTRIA group integrates the talents of CFF, maintaining the entire structure and building on it to further develop it together. Crescenzo di Fratta, TÜV AUSTRIA Country Manager Italy, welcomes a new member in the group of companies: “TÜV AUSTRIA appreciates and acknowledges the quality of CFF’s specialized training services. CFF and TÜV AUSTRIA share the same vision regarding the strategic importance of increasing training because it is so much more, it is culture and knowledge – two fundamental elements for the growth of our country. This is why we have decided to invest in this new sector for our training business.”

The company is specialized in carrying out specific technical and behavioral training in the field of finance for more than 20 years with very high certified and perceived quality levels: „Many training companies boast of their quality in teaching methodologies, in the processes of analysis of the training needs of clients, in the effectiveness of the classroom. In general, speaking of ‚quality‘, various levels can be identified, which define various aspects attributable to it. But there is a level f quality, called ‘recognized quality’ and CFF is particularly proud of this level”, says Antonio Musella.

Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph

End-of-year remarks

Into the new year with optimism
Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group

The Russian war of aggression has still not come to an end, we are witnesses to Israel’s fight against Hamas terror. Natural disasters, environmental pollution and much more cast a dim outlook on the future. So why are we actually optimistic about 2024?

Kooperation innotec und SIListra


SIListra Systems and innotec Partner to Improve Functional Safety
Revolutionizing Functional Safety with Hardware Independent Safety

SIListra Systems GmbH, a highly specialized software company, and innotec GmbH, a consulting company specialized in Functional Safety, announced their strategic partnership to improve the safety development of embedded systems. The collaboration brings together SIListra’s cutting-edge software tool, the certified SIListra Safety Transformer, and innotec expertise in functional safety solutions, aiming for a holistic approach to functional safety.

Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph
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Kooperation innotec und SIListra
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Donauturm-Rutsche | (c) Donauturm, R.Fasching, A.Stoeger
Stefanie Heinisch (M&A TÜV AUSTRIA Group), Ben Verhagen (Managing Director IVT Inspections), Erik Deboyser (former Managing Director IVT Inspections & Technical Expert) and Christoph Vogel (Head of M&A TÜV AUSTRIA Group)

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