Solution: Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Preparation

Solution: Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Preparation

TÜV AUSTRIA INDIA PVT. LTD. – Nagpur/Maharashtra (Corporate Office)

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Greenhouse Gas Inventory Statement

"With GHG Inventory Report Statement, you gain a clear understanding of which activities in you company cause how much CO2."

In the field of sustainability, TÜV AUSTRIA offers Green Action Services, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Preparation. The GHG report provides a summary of the organization’s GHG emissions. It should also include measures the organization can take to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. ISO 14064 specifies the type and scope of data required for reporting. 

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Preparation

  • ISO 14064 is a standard for corporate greenhouse gas accounting and reporting. This standard is designed to help organizations measure, monitor, report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. You can make the following preparations to perform corporate greenhouse gas calculations and reporting in accordance with ISO 14064.
  • According to ISO 14064, organizations should create a greenhouse gas inventory to identify the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. This inventory helps to determine the contribution of the organization’s activities, production and services to greenhouse gas emissions. In this inventory, GHG emissions are listed in detail by source. These sources include factors such as energy consumption, travel, production process and waste management.

Verification of  the Greenhouse Gas Report:

The GHG report should be verified by a verification body. This increases the credibility of the report and ensures transparency regarding the organization’s GHG emissions.


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